I am shaped by evocative words, puzzles and questions.
I stop, consider them, act upon them.
They are fuel for catalytic conversations.
They are tools.
Tools for thought, for change
Gathered here are inspirations, and stories of how small things can make a difference!
‘We need to be imaginative
Tolerate ambiguity
Reverse our expectations
View things metaphorically
Probe for hidden meanings’ (Heraclitus)
May these inspirations serve to assist you
To focus on what you can accomplish
And notice
Problems, challenges and opportunities
To sort through and savour
Lighten Up, Make the Best of Ourselves and Our World at Large, with a Humour Attitude
What is a Humour Attitude? Do you have to put on a costume and clown around or be a stand-up comic? Healthy Humour promotes health and well-being, connects us to ourselves and others, increases our agency of choice, assists us to change, and finally to commit to follow through when the going gets tough or boring!