Rethink, Relearn, Rehearse.
I just finished Chris Hadfield's 'The Apollo Murders'.
I love it. Why?
The story was well-crafted, engaging and I had read his 'An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth'. My habit is to read books by folks whose mindset I admire.
I am an actress among other things, a coach with a sprinkle of mindfulness thrown in. The books I read are story-carriers. They are replete with examples of how someone fictionally or actually did 'this or that’ and reveal the process of them becoming even better.
As an actor we were taught: Rethink. Relearn. Rehearse.
Rethink: I was guided to sort through and savour my motives and goals, then to fashion love-filled goals for characters I would embody. I am incredibly curious to uncover the meaning and power of words being used.
Relearn: Thought processes are tools. An actor dismantles them: to learn new beliefs, to crack open assumptions and release fresh ways to respond that serves the story being told.
Rehearse:Contains the necessity of undertaking repetitive actions and habits to forge connections between motive, thoughts, sensory input and others; thereby becoming proficient in responding in a creative manner, to be patient with the process and to find those repetitive actions enjoyable.
I still use those habits, moment by moment, to drink in the precious, present, moments of my extraordinary ordinary life, here on earth.
#mindfulness #love #mindset #creative#energy #lifechallenges #dontgiveup
Posted Linked in Oct22 2021 Credibility