Leaders Are People Who Dare To Dream

Leaders are people who dare to put their dreams into action, every step of the way. When I finish leading folks thru a Career Planning Session and they have uncovered a 'dream job/career', they'll often ask me "What should I do next?"I tell them to create a Dream Resume, (as their eyes widen) I reassure them, "You won't be sending this out anywhere, it's not real - yet". However, do your research and narrow down what kind of Experience; Training; Displayed Technical Skills; and Strengths you will need to gather.

Then create a Highlights of Qualifications (the 5-point kick-off to your Dream Resume) stating: so much fill-in-the-blanks hands-on Experience as a fill-in-the-blank-dream-title; Training; Displayed Technical Skills, and Strengths (how you made an impact in your 'dream' field/job. Next analyze where you need to grow and go. Among other options, you can gather what you need - in your current job. You also could take on Bridge jobs/Gigs to fill in many of those blanks.

Gather, add to your Dream Resume and you'll be ready when opportunity presents itself. Even if you change your mind about what your Dream Job looks like you'll be known as a proactive learner and Leader who acts on the way they see things.


Leaders Can Be Surprising


The White Horse Girl and The Blue Wind Boy